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Drupal : Creating Form with Drag and Drop Ordering

Published on Thursday, May 29, 2014
drupal form with drag and drop ordering

So you want to create a form with drag and drop ordering in Drupal 7? Here are 3 simple steps to create a form with drag and drop ordering:

1. Implement hook_menu, to register the URL of the form

function module_name_menu() {
	$items = array(); 
	$items['admin/config/content/module_name/manage'] = array(
		'title' => 'Recent News: List Links',    
		'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
		'page arguments' => array('module_name_manage'),
		'access arguments' => array('access administration pages'),

We will use the following function to render the form:

function module_name_manage() {
	$db_result = db_query( "select id,title position from recent_news order by position");    
	// create array and add one element called data
	$rows= array();
	$form['#tree'] = TRUE;
	$max = 60;
	foreach($db_result as $row){	
		$title = $row->title;
			$title = substr($title,0,$max).' ...';
		$form['slides'][$row->id]['id'] = array(
			'#type' => 'hidden',		  
			'#default_value' => $row->id,		   
		// Textfield to hold content id.
		$form['slides'][$row->id]['title'] = array(
			'#type' => 'item',		  
			'#title' => $title
		// This field is invisible, but contains sort info (weights).
		$form['slides'][$row->id]['weight'] = array(
			'#type' => 'weight',
			'#title' => t('Weight'),
			'#title_display' => 'invisible',
			'#default_value' => $row->position,
	$form['submit'] = array('#type' => 'submit', '#value' => t('Save changes')); 
	return $form;

2. implement hook_theme, to register theme implementation of form with drag and drop support

function module_name_theme($existing, $type, $theme, $path) {
	return array(
		'module_name_manage' => array(
			'render element' => 'form',

And here is the callback function which will render the form with drag and drop capabilities

function theme_module_name_manage($variables) {
	$form = $variables['form'];
	$rows = array();
	foreach (element_children($form['slides']) as $nid) {
		$form['slides'][$nid]['weight']['#attributes']['class'] = array('slides-order-weight');
		$rows[] = array(
			'data' => array(
				array('class' => array('slide-cross')),                
			'class' => array('draggable'),
	$header = array('',t('title'),t('position'));
	$output = drupal_render($form['note']);
	$output .= theme('table', array('header' => $header, 'rows' => $rows, 'attributes' => array('id' => 'slides-order')));
	$output .= drupal_render_children($form);
	drupal_add_tabledrag('slides-order', 'order', 'sibling', 'slides-order-weight');
	return $output;

3. Implement hook_submit, to handle form submit and save the ordering

function module_name_manage_submit($form, &$form_state) {
	$slides = array();  
	foreach ($form_state['values']['slides'] as $slide) {    
		$slides[] = array(
			'id' => $slide['id'],        
			'weight' => $slide['weight'],
	if (!empty($slides)) {
		usort($slides, '_module_name_arraysort');
	$position = 1;
	foreach($slides as $slide){
		$id = $slide['id'];
		$sql = "UPDATE recent_news SET position={$position} WHERE id = {$id}";
	drupal_set_message(t('Ordering have been saved.'));

// Custom array sort function by weight.
function _module_name_arraysort($a, $b) {
	if (isset($a['weight']) && isset($b['weight'])) {
		return $a['weight'] < $b['weight'] ? -1 : 1;
	return 0;

The code is quite long but you can just copy and paste then modify it if necessary. This tutorial is based on Ki Kim’s post on http://www.urbaninsight.com/2012/09/11/creating-table-with-draggable-weights-in-drupal-7 

